The “Blue” Moon: 31 Aug. 2012
The “blue” Moon: 31 Aug. 2012 The Moon is the only known natural satellite of our planet. With its distance of less than 400.000 km from the Earth, it is also the first step...
The “blue” Moon: 31 Aug. 2012 The Moon is the only known natural satellite of our planet. With its distance of less than 400.000 km from the Earth, it is also the first step...
The Moon is the only known natural satellite of our planet. With its distance of less than 400.000 km from the Earth, it is also the first step when climbing the cosmic ladder...
The International Astronomical Union published CBET 736 with the following findings! On Nov. 8.44, 2006 R. Stubbing (AU) spotted this star at mag. 12.4, that is clearly in a bright outburst. The historical record...
NGC 7009 is a small planetary nebula with the nickname of “Saturn Nebula” because of its shape. It was discovered by W. Herschel on 1782, while Lord Rosse gave it its nickname in the...
NGC 7662 is a wonderful planetary nebula, knows as “Blue Snowball” for its intriguing color. It hosts a dying star, almost with the same mass of our Sun. It was discovered by W. Herschel...
Last update: 6 Sept. 2012 You can read a report about this amazing live event. We hosted more than 100.000 individuals from about 160 different Countries. A planetary success! 2012 QG42 – 6 Sep....
Gamma Delphini is a well-known and celebrated double star, quite a gem in the late-summer sky. This image was captured with the Celestron C14″, part of the Virtual Telescope Project, with a set...
This is a quite outstanding image! it shows the star Porrima, (the Gamma Virginis) one of the most appreciated double stars in the sky. At this epoch, the stars are very close each...
[fvplayer src=””] This video was done using a large number of single images grabbed during the 100 Hours of Remote Astronomy at The Virtual Telescope. It is a amazing to see this prominence rapidly...
This image shows comet Garradd while apparently meeting the globular cluster Messier 15 in Pegasus, on 2 Aug. 2011. A mosaic with two images was done, in order to cover both the objects, still...
Comet C/2009 R1 has been a very interesting object in June 2010, when it reached a nice brightness, becoming visible to the naked eye. This image is a deep view on this comet, captured...
Comet 103P/Hartley 2 has been a very important target, when in Nov. 2010 it had a flyby with the Deep Impact spacecraft, as part of the EPOXI mission. This image is a deep...
[hana-flv-player video=”” width=”350″ height=”” description=”Walking on the Moon – GAM2011″ player=”4″ /] “Walking on the Moon”, online event, 12 April 2011 Back to “Podcast” page Support The Virtual Telescope Project! Support us! Please,...
[hana-flv-player video=”” width=”350″ height=”” description=”Stars for All – GAM2011″ player=”4″ /] “Stars for All!”, online event, 9 April 2011 Back to “Podcast” page Support The Virtual Telescope Project! Support us! Please, donate and...
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– Online Messier Marathon (30 Mar. 2025)