Jupiter is the largest planet in our Solar System. It is surrounded by a huge number of satellites, the biggest ones were discovered by Galileo Galilei in 1610. It is always a very rewarding...
The Moon is the only known natural satellite of our planet. With its distance of less than 400.000 km from the Earth, it is also the first step when climbing the cosmic ladder and...
The Moon is the only known natural satellite of our planet. With its distance of less than 400.000 km from the Earth, it is also the first step when climbing the cosmic ladder...
The Moon is the only known natural satellite of our planet. With its distance of less than 400.000 km from the Earth, it is also the first step when climbing the cosmic ladder...
The Moon is the only known natural satellite of our planet. With its distance of less than 400.000 km from the Earth, it is also the first step when climbing the cosmic ladder...
The Moon is the only known natural satellite of our planet. With its distance of less than 400.000 km from the Earth, it is also the first step when climbing the cosmic ladder and...
M13 (more data), sometimes called the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules or the Hercules Globular Cluster, is a globular cluster of about 300,000 stars in the constellation of Hercules. It is one of th...
Among the stars of Ursa Major, an “Owl” is lurking. This is the wonderful Messier 97 planetary nebula, also nicknamed after the mentioned bird for its typical shape by Lord Rosse. It was discovered...
The wonderful planetary nebula Messier 27, well known as the “Dumb-Bell” nebula, was discovered by Charles Messier in 1764. Its distance is estimated in about 1200 light years and represents the final stages in...
NGC 6888, also know as “Crescent Nebula”. It looks like a cosmic bubble about 25 light-years across, blown by winds from its central, bright, massive star.It was discovered by W. Herschel in 1792. This...
NGC 6960 is part of the famous “Veil Nebula”, the remnant of a supernova exploded about 10.000 years ago. Its distance is estimated in about 1500 light years and it is apparently in...
Floating in space at about 30 millions of light years from us, NGC 891 is superb edge-on spiral galaxy, discovered in 1784 by W. Herschel. Dust across the disk is clearly apparent in...
– Moon-Mars conjunction (9 Feb. 2025)