Izar, Epsilon Bootis
Izar, epsilon Bootis, is one of the most celebrated double stars in the sky. It was also called “Pulcherrima” (in latin, “the most beautiful” by Wilhem von Struve. This amazing image captures this...
Izar, epsilon Bootis, is one of the most celebrated double stars in the sky. It was also called “Pulcherrima” (in latin, “the most beautiful” by Wilhem von Struve. This amazing image captures this...
Alrischa, the alpha in Pisces, is a very close binary star. This image was captured with the Celestron C14″, part of the Virtual Telescope Project. The OTA in installed on a Paramount ME mount, by...
Albireo is perhaps the most observed double star in the sky. This is because os its amazing colors. This image was captured with the Celestron C14″, part of the Virtual Telescope Project, with a set...
The wonderful Gamma Andromedae – Almach – shining with marvelous colors. This image was captured with the Celestron C14″, part of the Virtual Telescope Project, with a set of color filters. The OTA in installed...
Here it is a superb red star, imaged by Gianluca Masi. He did find it by chance, while randomly surfing the skies. As you can see, it is part of a superb double...
On April 3, 2012, Venus met Pleiades, a wonderful open cluster of young stars, also known as Messier 45. Over the last few weeks, Venus gave a wonderful show together with Jupiter (often...
This wonderful “meeting among the Moon, Venus and Jupiter happened on 26 March 2012. Pleiades are also easily visible. This image was grabbed by Gianluca Masi from Rome, Italy, using a 55/f2.8 lens. Back...
This wonderful conjunction between the Moon and Venus happened on 26 March 2012. It was imaged by Gianluca Masi from Rome, Italy, using a 200/f2.8 lens. Back to “Earth and Sky” page ...
During its last month of spring, 2012 saw a wonderful meeting in the sky, between Jupter and Venus, the brigthest and easiest to see planets of our Solar System. The picture above was...
After meeting planet Jupiter, On 1 April 2012, at the beginning of Global Astronomy Month, Venus approached the wonderful Pleiades (M45), a well-known star cluster in Taurus. The picture above was obtained by Gianluca...
On July 15, 2012, the Moon occulted planet Jupiter. The event was visible from Italy just before dawn. We managed to observe it from the Gianicolo, a very nice part of Rome (Italy) with...
This image shows the stars trailing above the Colosseum, in Rome. Orion and surrounding should be easy to recognize. Airplanes are joining the view, too. With this image we want to show that looking...
[hana-flv-player video=’https://www.virtualtelescope.eu/wordpress/jupiter_26nov2011.flv’/ width=”640″ height=”” autoplay=”true” /] Jupiter is the largest planet orbiting our Sun and its rotational period is less than 10 hours. On Nov. 26, 2011, G. Masi obtained almost 1.000 CCD images...
– Total Lunar Eclipse (14 Mar. 2025)
– Online Messier Marathon (30 Mar. 2025)