Stars of the Month: November 2012
Our monthly description of the night sky, month after month, is back with a new series. As always, it will be a live broadcast, with Gianluca Masi, from the Virtual Telescope Project. Discover what...
event / free / Monthly Skies
Our monthly description of the night sky, month after month, is back with a new series. As always, it will be a live broadcast, with Gianluca Masi, from the Virtual Telescope Project. Discover what...
On Oct. 25 the small asteroid 2012 UV158 (about 50 meters in diameter), discovered the same day by the Catalina Sky Survey in Arizona, reached a minimum distance from the earth of a bit...
This image of comet 168P/Hergenrother was obtained under excellent seeing conditions, between 1.3″ and 1.5″. More than 100 single frames were averaged, avoiding stellar contamination. More details are on the final image above. Images...
Comet 168P/Hergenrother is still closely monitored at the Virtual Telescope, after our previous very interesting views of this object . On Oct. 23, with a good seeing of 1.6″, several images were collected, using a short...
Discovered on 21 Sept. 2012, comet C/2012 S1 showed a great potential since the very beginning. Late on Now. 2013 it will reach a minimum distance from the Sun of 1.2 millions of km....
[fvplayer src=””] Rai Tre, “Cose dell’altro Geo”, 16 Ottobre 2012 Back to “Podcast” page Support The Virtual Telescope Project! Support us! Please, donate and receive an EXCLUSIVE image of the stunning COMET C/2023 A3...
On 19 Oct. 2012, while observing comet 168P/Hergenrother, I noticed that its inner coma had a very interesting aspect, showing the false nucleus and an apparent secondary dust concentration. The latter feature was visible on...
Messier 77 was discovered by Pierre Méchain in 1780 and it is a peculiar galaxy in the constellation of Cetus, the Whale. Located at about 50 millions of light years, it is classified as hosting an...
Jupiter is the largest planet in our Solar System. It is surrounded by a huge number of satellites, the biggest ones were discovered by Galileo Galilei in 1610. It is always a very rewarding...
Comet 168P/Hergenrother was discovered in 1998 and recovered in 2005. During its 2012 apparition, early in Oct. 2012, the comet experimented an outburst, increasing its brightness of about 500 times, becoming quite bright to...
This is a seasonal tour of the Cosmos offered by the Virtual telescope Project. Are you ready to leave for a journey through the wonders of the Autumn skies? If yes, save the date...
The asteroid 2012 TC4 is now just about 30 hours before its close approach with our planet. While it comes closer and closer, its brightness increases, but will remain a telescopic object. At the...
While asteroid 2012 TC4 continues to approach our planet, at the Virtual Telescope we managed to grab a few more images. The one above was obtained with the Planewave 17″ unit, with its Paramount...
The Planewave 17 robotic unit part of the Virtual Telescope is now ready to restart its normal, full operations. Its CCD camera was sent to the factory in the US and it is now...
– Total Lunar Eclipse (14 Mar. 2025)
– Online Messier Marathon (30 Mar. 2025)