Comet Pan-STARRS: online, live observing session: 16 Mar. 2013

** Comet Pan-STARRS online, LIVE observation here! **

C/2011 L4 (Panstarrs): star chart
C/2011 L4 (Panstarrs): star chart

We have been waiting it for more than one year, now the waiting is over: comet C/2011 L4 Pan-STARRS is here. The Virtual Telescope is proud to offer a live, online observing session to share this comet with the world.

The online, free event is scheduled for 16 March 2013, at 17:00 UT. To join, you just need to enter, at that date and time, our live webTV page here!


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7 Responses

  1. Gerard says:

    Gianluca, Panstarrs is already at magnitude 1 and getting
    brighter,with a nice fan tail. The VT should have a couple
    of evenings of observing Panstarrs , as this is designated
    the year 2013 as the Year of the Comets!

  2. Marcel says:

    In Deutschland sind hier an der Ostsee noch viel zu viele Wolken aber ab morgen soll es dann endlich schön werden und Komet Panstarrs sichtbar sein 🙂

  3. Christian says:

    Gianluca, Germany is ready for your Live-Show of PANSTARRS. tahnk you for your offer!

  4. William says:

    This will be a great chance for my Grandson and Granddaughters to get immersed in astronomy and prep them for our new Celestron 8″ telescope.

  5. Tom Roberts says:

    Hi Gianluca,
    I’ve been looking due west near to the moon 40 minutes after sunset but I still can’t see the comet, I really want to see it. When is the last time I’ll be able to see it from Sheffield in the UK?


    • Gianluca Masi says:

      we still have several days to see it. Be sure to locate the right spot in the sky. Scan the area with a binocular, it may helps. Good luck!

  6. Glenn says:

    I missed Halebop, Halley was a wash out and now there are too many clouds from the west to see Pan-starrs. The U.S. is lousy for many things and it seems astronomical events are no exception. EVERY time there is a comet or meteor shower the weather sucks and I miss it. I am going to keep trying for Pan-starrs until it’s too faint but maybe I will be able to see the one in November.

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