Comet C/2011 L4 Pan-STARRS, image and spectrum: 17 Apr. 2013
On 17 Apr. 2013, the Virtual Telescope visited comet c/2011 L4 Pan-STARRS with both its telescopes, with the aim to capture both an image and a spectrum. Above is the average of 18...
On 17 Apr. 2013, the Virtual Telescope visited comet c/2011 L4 Pan-STARRS with both its telescopes, with the aim to capture both an image and a spectrum. Above is the average of 18...
The Messier Marathon brings to you the real sky, directly at your home! This is an unprecedented offer to try and enjoy our prestigious larger telescope: a PlaneWave 17″ on Paramount ME robotic mount....
Looking at the sky and its depths, one is impressed by the unmatched beauty she/he meets up there. But some objects “shines” with their special charm. Among them, Messier 66. Placed at about 35...
Among the most spectacular deep sky objects there are globular clusters. These very crowded families of stars (reaching sometime the number of one million!) live in the so called galactic halo: a spherical region...
– Moon-Mars conjunction (9 Feb. 2025)