M 3 – CVn
In the poorly known constellation of Canes Venatici there is a wonderful globular cluster, for many observers the finest in the northern skies only after M 13. It is Messier 3 (more data). A...
In the poorly known constellation of Canes Venatici there is a wonderful globular cluster, for many observers the finest in the northern skies only after M 13. It is Messier 3 (more data). A...
Often forgotten because of its very famous neighbor M 13, Messier 92 (more data) is an amazing globular cluster, initially discovered by Johann Elert Bode in 1777. Placed a bit further than its big brother, M 92...
– Total Lunar Eclipse (14 Mar. 2025)
– Online Messier Marathon (30 Mar. 2025)