Near-Earth asteroid 2013 RS43: an image (13 Sept. 2013)
On Sep 13 2013, at 16:07 UT the near-Earth asteroid 2013 RS43 reached a minimum distance from us of about one millions of km. Of course, no risks for us and this 14...
On Sep 13 2013, at 16:07 UT the near-Earth asteroid 2013 RS43 reached a minimum distance from us of about one millions of km. Of course, no risks for us and this 14...
While waiting for comet Ison, we have another nice comet to observe. It is comet C/2013 R1 Lovejoy, discovered by T. Lovejoy early this month. Early in the morning of 14 Sept. 2013,...
While comet Ison is approaching and comet C/2013 R1 Lovejoy was just discovered, we wanted to observe another comet, too: comet 2P/Encke. It is a periodic comet orbiting the Sun once every three years, being...
After a few days of cloudy skies, the weather decided it was time for another clear night at the Virtual Telescope site. Early in the morning of 14 Sept. 2013, the PlaneWave 17″ robotic...
While it approaches the Sun, Virtual Telescope imaged again comet C/2012 S1 Ison. The comet just 18 deg. above the eastern horizon, and the weather was changing, so less than ideal conditions. The PlaneWave 17″...
After the first image of the season, Virtual Telescope imaged again comet C/2012 S1 Ison. The comet just 17 deg. above the eastern horizon, but it looked a less extreme situation than the previous...
On 4 Sept. 2013, at 06:59 UT the near-Earth asteroid 2013 RZ5 reached a minimum distance from the Earth of about 440.000 km, about 1.15 times the average distance of the Moon. Few hours...
The night between 31 Aug and 1 Sept. was particularly fruitful for the Virtual Telescope Project. While spectroscopy and photometry of several targets were ongoing, we tried to observe the optical counterpart of GRB...
Above is the first image of comet C/2012 S1 Ison taken with the Virtual Telescope after its conjunction with the Sun. It was an hard observation, with the comet just 12 deg. above the...
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– Online Messier Marathon (30 Mar. 2025)