Where is comet Ison: November 2013
Since its discovery in Sept. 2012, comet C/2012 S1 Ison attracted a lot of attention. Early evaluations of its orbit showed a great potential for a memorable show, with the most optimistic scenarios reporting...
Since its discovery in Sept. 2012, comet C/2012 S1 Ison attracted a lot of attention. Early evaluations of its orbit showed a great potential for a memorable show, with the most optimistic scenarios reporting...
Updates (8 Nov. 2013): the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams has just issued the CBET 3691 Circular, announcing this object is now Nova Aquilae 2013. Our early and continued observations made possible to understand...
Near-Earth asteroid 2013 UV3 was discovered on 25 Oct. 2013, as part of the Mt. Lemmon NEO survey. This ~ 15 meters large asteroid will have a close encounter with the Earth on...
Updates (29.44 Oct. 2013): we inspected POSS2, red digitized plates at the OT position. There are a few, very close 15-16 mag. stars there. Looking at the OT position provided by our astrometry, we see...
After the first attempt a few days ago, the Virtual Telescope visited comet C/2012 X1 Linear again, to cooperate in understanding its outburst event, as part of a collaboration among the Virtual Telescope...
As reported a few days ago, comet C/2012 X1 Linear is undergoing a bright outburst (but not enough to make it visible by naked eye). The Virtual Telescope managed to capture a few images...
Updates (30 Oct. 2013): the object received its official desigation SN 2013fw and our photometry and spectroscopic identification is reported on the CBET 3681 from the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams. Here it is...
Last night, just before sunrise, comet c/2012 S1 Ison was observed remotely using the PlaneWave 17″ robotic unit part of the Virtual Telescope. The sky was foggy, so conditions were less than ideal, but comet...
It is well known that comets are unpredictable by nature. While to world is closely monitoring comet C/2012 S1 Ison, comet C/2012 X1 Linear decided to put its own show, in a season...
After its first visit, Virtual Telescope’s PlaneWave 17″ robotic unit slewed again to potentially hazardous asteroid 2013 TV135. Despite the still very bright Moon, the asteroid shows well, as clearly visible in the image above....
Updates: on 11 Nov. 2013, the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams issued the CBET 3704, reporting that to this SN was given the official designation SN 2013 ga. This thanks to our spectroscopy....
Above is a zoom on the spectrum of comet C/2012 S1 Ison we took a few nights ago, using a 100 lines/mm grating and the Celestron C14 robotic unit part of the Virtual Telescope....
Comet Ison is not the only interesting comet around these weeks. Early last September, comet C/2013 R1 Lovejoy was discovered and it showed to be an interesting object. Comet Lovejoy will be a nice sight...
Despite the very bright (full) Moon, at Virtual Telescope we decided to image the same comet C/2012 S1 Ison. So, early in the morning of 20 Oct. 2013, the PlaneWave 17″ robotic unit was slewed...
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