Near-Earth asteroid 2013 YL2 close encounter: online event (2 Jan. 2014)
*** Enter the LIVE event here ! *** *** Enter the LIVE event here ! *** Next 3 Jan. 2014 at 00:46 UT, the near-Earth asteroid 2013 YL2 will reach a minimum...
asteroid / event / free / near Earth
*** Enter the LIVE event here ! *** *** Enter the LIVE event here ! *** Next 3 Jan. 2014 at 00:46 UT, the near-Earth asteroid 2013 YL2 will reach a minimum...
asteroid / event / free / near Earth
The near-Earth asteroid 2013 XH22 was shared live while it was approaching our planet, last night. Images collected by the Virtual Telescope were visible on the web, in real-time. Above is a very...
asteroid / event / free / near Earth
While waiting for the live, online event scheduled to cover its close approach, the near-Earth asteroid 2013 XH22 was imaged at Virtual Telescope while it was approaching us. Above is an image remotely...
asteroid / event / free / near Earth
*** Enter the LIVE event here ! *** *** Enter the LIVE event here ! *** Next 18 Dec. 2013 at 11:57 UT, the near-Earth asteroid 2013 XH22 will reach a minimum...
asteroid / event / free / near Earth
Our online, live event covering near-Earth asteroid 2013 XY8 close approach went very well, with a great sky and the usual, amazing performance of our robotic system. A podcast from the live event is...
Above is the podcast from our “Near-Earth asteroid 2013 XY8 close encounter” online event Back to “Podcast” page Support The Virtual Telescope Project! Support us! Please, donate and receive an EXCLUSIVE image of the...
asteroid / event / free / near Earth
While waiting for the live, online event scheduled to cover its close approach, the near-Earth asteroid 2013 XY8 was imaged at Virtual Telescope while it was approaching us. Above is an image remotely...
asteroid / event / free / near Earth
*** Enter the LIVE event here ! *** *** Enter the LIVE event here ! *** Next 11 Dec. 2013 at 11:14 UT, the near-Earth asteroid 2013 XY8 will reach a minimum...
Above is a star chart showing the sky as visible on Dec. 15, 2013, at 19:30 Universal Time, from a location placed at (13°E;41°N). Star chart plotted with TheSkyX by Software Bisque Back to...
Comet C/2013 R1 Lovejoy is putting an amazing show out there. It is enchanting us with a long tail, but it is amazingly interesting even at high resolution. Above in an image remotely...
Everybody out there knows the story of Pluto and how it was demoted (2006) from its status of ordinary planet. One of the events further triggering this decision was the announcement on 29 July 2005...
Among the most exotic objects discovered in our Solar System, (90377) Sedna really stands out. As we were approaching ten years since it was discovered on 14 Nov. 2003, an imaging...
While c/2012 S1 Ison show faded, many other comets are out there this season. Above is an image of comet 154P/Brewington, named after Howard J. Brewington, who discovered it in 1992. It is the average...
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