Welcome back, Orion – a glimpse of Cosmos above Rome
The Orion constellation is always a splendid sight up there, especially at the end of Northern Summer, when it rises at dawn, announcing the hot season is leaving. Here it is the Hunter majestically climbing above Rome.

Orion is rising above the Senatorial Palace, behind the Marcus Aurelius statue. Capitoline Hill, Rome.
The image above was captured at dawn and shows the legendary Orion dominating the sky above the “Palazzo Senatorio” (“Senatorial Palace”), on the top of the Capitoline Hill in Rome. Also, the Marcus Aurelius statue (actually a copy, the original, ancient one being inside the “Musei Capitolini” building on the right) is visible.
Thanks to the amazing brightness of its main stars, Orion is a great sight even from the city, where the light pollution is always a severe limitation for stargazing. I strongly believe that in order to fight against light pollution and increase public awareness on this issue, it is very useful to share these glimpses of cosmic beauty, saying what is lurking up there, just waiting for us to protect it.
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