Wirtanen, the Christmas 2018 comet – live, online observation (12, 16 and 18 Dec. 2018)
This Christmas 2018 will have its very own comet: 46P/Wirtanen! It is visible to the naked eye and the Virtual Telescope Project will show it live, online, bringing it to people worldwide, to the comfort of their homes.

“Wirtanen, the Christmas 2018 comet”: poster of the event
* SEE COMET Wirtaten LIVE here! *
* NB: versione Italiana qui! *
Observing a nice comet is always a unique experience, especially at Christmas. A comet is, after all, the astronomical symbol of the Christmas Season! And this year we will have a real comet out there those days! It is comet 46P/Wirtanen and it will be likely visible to the unaided eye next month, when it will come relatively close to the Earth, at 11.6 millions of km on 16 Dec. This will happen a few days after the comet’s perihelion (that is, its minimum distance from the Sun, reached on 12 Dec.).
We will observe comet Wirtanen thanks to our robotic telescopes, sharing it live online with the world, making possible for everyone to spot this cosmic snowball! We have two dates, covering both the perihelion and the minimum distance from the Earth! By the way: it will be the 10th closest comet ever in recent history, so quite outstanding|
The live, free feed will run on 12, 16 and 18 Dec. 2018, at 22:00 UTC, when it will be close to its maximum brightness.
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