The James Webb Space Telescope, online observation – 08 Jan. 2022
Next 8 Jan. 2022, we will observe the James Webb Space Telescope from the ground and will show it live, online: join us in this adventure from the comfort of your home! The James...
event / satellite / spacecraft
Next 8 Jan. 2022, we will observe the James Webb Space Telescope from the ground and will show it live, online: join us in this adventure from the comfort of your home! The James...
Next 18 Jan. 2022, the Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (7482) 1994 PC1 will have a close, but safe, encounter with us, coming at about 2 millions of km from the Earth. The Virtual Telescope Project will...
Next 3 Jan. the Quadrantid meteor shower will peak in a moonless sky and will will share it live, online: join us from the comfort of your home! Next 3 Jan. 2022 the Quadrantid...
The recently launched James Webb Space Telescope will help scientists understanding many key points about the Universe. Four days after its launch, we imaged it on the way to its final destination. * See...
In occasione della prima Giornata Nazionale dello Spazio, abbiamo avuto il privilegio di condividere un’esperienza unica al mondo: l’osservazione del transito della Stazione Spaziale Internazionale tra gli astri che sovrastano il Colosseo. Ecco alcuni...
For the First National Space Day in Italy, we had the privilege to bring to the community worldwide a once-in-a-lifetime experience: the flight of the International Space Station across the sky above the legendary...
Despite the poor weather conditions of this season, making hard for us to track it daily, we succeeded capturing this new image of comet C/2021 A1 Leonard. The image above comes from the average of...
Next 12 Dec., comet C/2021 A1 Leonard will be at its minimum distance from our home planet. Say it “hello” by joining our live feed. On that night, comet Leonard will be at about...
After a few cloudy nights, we imaged comet C/2021 A1 Leonard again. Here it is our new image. The image above comes from the average of 11, 120-second exposures, unfiltered, remotely collected with the “Elena”...
Avete sentito parlare della cometa C/2021 A1 Leonard e volete vederla anche voi? Come, dove e quando: ecco tutte le risposte che stavate cercando! NB: questa guida verrà periodicamente aggiornata, tenendo conto della reale...
comets / event / star clusters
Next 3 Dec., comet C/2021 A1 Leonard and the stunning globular cluster Messier 3 will share the same spot in the sky. The view will be breathtaking, this is why we will bring it...
– Total Lunar Eclipse (14 Mar. 2025)
– Online Messier Marathon (30 Mar. 2025)