Discovery of a new variable star in the field of Messier 31
We report the discovery of a new variable star in the field of Messier 31, part of an ongoing survey program. As part of our survey of the Messier 31 galaxy, we spotted a...
We report the discovery of a new variable star in the field of Messier 31, part of an ongoing survey program. As part of our survey of the Messier 31 galaxy, we spotted a...
Messier 78 is one of the gems kept in the Orion constellation. We managed to capture an image and are pleased to share it here. The image above comes from the average of 13,...
Comet 62P/Tsuchinshan reached the minimum distance from the Sun on 25 Dec. 2023 and now, while it leaves the inner solar system, it is showing a nice tail. The image above comes from the...
Among the best known galaxies out there, M81 and M82 are always a stunning view. Here it is our lat image of this cosmic pair. The image above comes from the average of 30,...
Here it is comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, while approaching the Sun. It shows a faint tail. The image above comes from the average of 5, 120-second unfiltered exposures, remotely taken with the ARTEC250+Paramount ME+C3Pro61000EC robotic unit...
A new, bright supernova is now shining in the spiral galaxy NGC 4216. We observed it last night and are pleased to share our image here. On 4 Jan. 2024, Koichi Itagaki, one of...
comets / constellations / nebula / Stars
The first image of the new year captured the faint comet C/2017 K2 Panstarrs while crossing the Orion constellation, particularly its stunning belt. The image above comes from the combination of 19, 120-second exposures,...
To inaugurate the new year in the best way, in the name of universal beauty, we propose a journey that will unveil, step by step, one of the most precious and elegant corners among...
Per inaugurare il nuovo anno nel migliore dei modi, ovvero nel nome della bellezza universale, vi proponiamo un viaggio che svelerà per passi, un po’ alla volta, uno degli angoli più preziosi ed eleganti...
– Total Lunar Eclipse (14 Mar. 2025)
– Online Messier Marathon (30 Mar. 2025)