V615 Vul = Nova Vulpeculae 2024 (PNV J19430751+2100204): one month after the eruption – 4 Sept. 2024.

About one month after its eruption, we imaged V615 Vul = Nova Vulpeculae 2024 again, finding it much fainter.

V615 Vul = Nova Vulpeculae 2024: 1 Aug. VS 4 Sept. 2024.

V615 Vul = Nova Vulpeculae 2024: 1 Aug. VS 4 Sept. 2024.

The panel above consists of two images, both coming from a single 15-second, V-filtered exposure, remotely taken with the Celestron C14+Paramount ME+SBIG ST8-XME robotic unit available as part of the Virtual Telescope Project in Manciano, Italy. The transient is marked with a white arrow. Performing photometry on both the images, we estimated the brightness of the transient at V=10.8 (1 Aug., left) and V=15.2 (4 Sept., right). V- and R-mags for the reference stars were taken from the UCAC4 star catalogue.

The nova is now much dimmer, almost 60 times fainter than at its peak.

This transient was discovered on 29 July 2024.

We will keep an eye on this nova for the next weeks.

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