Messier 106 (NGC 4258): an image – 3 June 2024.
Messier 106 (al known as NGC 4258) is one of the most beautiful galaxies out there and we are pleased to share our image here.
The image above comes from the average of 25, 120-second unguided exposures, remotely taken with the ARTEC250+Paramount ME+C3Pro61000EC robotic unit available as part of the Virtual Telescope Project facility in Manciano, Italy, under the darkest skies of the Italian peninsula.
Messier 106 (aka NGC 4258) is a stunning intermediate spiral galaxy, almost edge-on, discovered in 1781 by Pierre Méchain and hosting a supermassive black hole in ita nucleus. Part of the Canes Venatici (Hunting Dogs) constellation, it is placed at about 25 million of light years from the Earth.
There are a few more incredibile objects all around. In particular, we mention the very beautiful NGC 4217 edge-on galaxy, close to the bottom border of our image and located at about 60 million of light years from us. Just below M 106, we see NGC 4248, while close to the bottom right corner we find NGC 4220.
The full res image, available by clicking on the thumbnail above, is mind blowing: you will see MANY, detailed smaller galaxies. In particular, just on the right of NGC 4248, we we a galaxy cluster: the redshift Z of its members suggest it is more than 3 billion light years away.
In 2014 we followed up a supernova (SN 2014bc) in Messier 106</justify >, finding it was a type II one by spectroscopy performed at our facility.
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