The other side of the Great Orion Nebula, aka Messier 42.

We present a image of the Great Orion Nebula (aka Messier 42), taken with a H-alpha filter.

Messier 42 through an H-alpha filter. 29 Jan. 2025.

Messier 42 through an H-alpha filter. 29 Jan. 2025.

The image above comes from the average of 16, 300-second unguided exposures, remotely taken with the ARTEC250+Paramount ME+C3Pro61000EC robotic unit available as part of the Virtual Telescope Project facility in Manciano, Italy, under the darkest skies of the Italian peninsula. We used an H-alpha filter (bandwidth: 6 nm), isolating the signature of Hydrogen.

The narrowband filter isolates the 656.46 nm wavelength, corresponding to electron transition from energy level n=3 to n=2, dominating emission nebulae like Messier 42.

There are many things to be said about this gem, please refer to our unfiltered image here, also to compare the views.

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