Category: comets

C/2013 UQ4 Catalina: 9 July 2014

Comet C/2013 UQ4 Catalina: an image (9 July 2014)

On 23 Oct. 2013, the Catalina Sky Survey in Arizona discovered a new, apparently asteroid-like object, moving on a rather cometary orbit: it received its provisional designation 2013 UQ4. This happens from time to...

Comet 209P/Linear: 26 May 2014

Comet 209P/Linear: a new image (26 May 2014)

While the expected Camelopardalids meteor shower performed much less than hoped, comet 209P/Linear countinues to approach us, having a close encounter with the Earth. Next 29 May, comet 209P will be at ~8 millions of km from...

“209P/Linear: the firework comet?”: online event (22 May 2014)

“209P/Linear: the firework comet?”: online event (22 May 2014)

> See comet 209P/Linear LIVE, click here! < > See comet 209P/Linear LIVE, click here! < Next 24 May 2014, between 06:00 and 08:00 UT, there are chances to enjoy a memorable, exceptional meteor shower. The...

Comet 209P/Linear: 17 May 2014

Comet 209P/Linear: an image (17 May 2014)

Next 24 May, between 6 and 8 UT, there are chances to see an exceptional meteor shower, originated by the small comet 209/P Linear, now widely known “Camelopardalids“. At Virtual Telescope we wanted to...