ISS flies above the glory of Rome – 22 March 2019
Now that the International Space Station (ISS) is crossing the sky early in the evening, I planned a few imaging session from Rome. Here it is its pass above the Roman Forum, one of the...
Now that the International Space Station (ISS) is crossing the sky early in the evening, I planned a few imaging session from Rome. Here it is its pass above the Roman Forum, one of the...
Grabbing an hint of our presence in space is always fascinating and the International Space Station (ISS) is by far the most important evidence of that. Early this morning I could capture this spacecraft...
The Orion constellation is always a splendid sight up there, especially at the end of Northern Summer, when it rises at dawn, announcing the hot season is leaving. Here it is the Hunter majestically...
In our tireless effort to bring to you the wonders of the sky and those of our planet, we are happy to share this new view, with the International Space Station (ISS) flying above...
These nights, four planets plus the Moon are visible at sunset: Venus, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn plot the Zodiacal avenue up there, with our satellite joining the parade. Seeing four planets or more at...
Looking for the International Space Station (ISS) crossing the sky is always a nice experience, especially when it is very bright and flies above something unique. The city of Rome can be a special...
There are plenty of artificial satellites up there. Among them, the International Space Station (ISS) really stands out. Its bright passes are always well worth your attention, especially when you can combine them with...
The Tiangong-1 Chinese space station is moving along a decaying orbit. It should re-enter our atmosphere in the next few weeks, so we have just a few more chances to observe it. Some surviving debris could...
Next 5 Feb. 2017 the Moon will occult the star Aldebaran. This is the second time that such Aldebaran occultation happens this year. Lunar occultations of a star are quite frequent, while the Moon travels across the...
On 23 Dec. 2015, the Moon will occult for the 12nd time in 2015 the star Aldebaran. This is the second one accessible from Italy, after the 29 Oct. event. Such an occultation of...
Recently, a lot of rumors circulated around a strange start name, called KIC 8462852 and resembling a car plate more than a star in our Galaxy. A paper by T. Boyajian at al. recently appeared on ar...
A couple of weeks after the magnificent multiple conjunction, which involved some planets and the Moon, our natural satellite is ready to offer us another great event, this time “meeting” a star, actually occulting it,...
There are so many amazing things up there in the sky, able to take your breath away with their timeless beauty. But the Cosmos has some very special occasions where it overwhelms us with awe, elegance...
Moon, Jupiter and Taurus: 8 Sept. 2012, 02:30UT It is not rare that, with all the beauties up there, something more special than usual happens in the sky. Early on Sept. 8, 2012, observers...
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