Category: galaxy

M 65

M 65 – Leo

M 65 (NGC 3623) is a spiral galaxy in Leo, located at about 35 millions of light years, part of the so-called “Leo’s Triplet” (with M66 and NGC 3628 ). It was discovered by...

NGC 7479

NGC 7479 – Peg

The elegant galaxy NGC 7479, in Pegasus, was discovered by W. Herschel on 1784 and it’s located at about 100 millions of light years. Its shape is quite unique, resembling a saxophone lost in...

Confirmation image of SN 2012aw obtained at the Virtual Telescope

Supernova SN 2012aw in Messier 95

  On 16 March 2012, supernova SN 2012aw was discovered in Messier 95, a well-know and wonderful barred spiral galaxy in Leo, distant about 38 millions of light year. As soon as the suspicious...