Near-Earth Asteroid 2005 WK4 close encounter: online event (9 Aug. 2013)
*** Enter the LIVE event here ! *** *** Enter the LIVE event here ! *** Next 9 Aug. 2013 at 05:02 UT, the near-Earh asteroid 2005 WK4 will reach a minimum...
asteroid / event / free / near Earth
*** Enter the LIVE event here ! *** *** Enter the LIVE event here ! *** Next 9 Aug. 2013 at 05:02 UT, the near-Earh asteroid 2005 WK4 will reach a minimum...
asteroid / event / free / near Earth
24 hours before its close encounter, the PlaneWave 17″ robotic unit imaged the near-Earth asteroid 2003 DZ15 while it was “running2 across the stars. The picture above shows very well how fast this rock is...
asteroid / event / free / near Earth
Near-Earth asteroid 2003 DZ15 has almost reached its minimum distance from the Earth: it will be touched early next 30 July, when this rock will be at 3.5 millions of km from us. While...
asteroid / event / free / near Earth
The 160 meters large near-Earth asteroid 2003 DZ15 continues to approach us, waiting to touch the minimum distance of 3.5 millions of km next 30 July. Of course, it is a very safe close...
asteroid / event / free / near Earth
Near-Earth asteroid 2003 DZ15 was expected to return close the to the Earth next 29 July. This prevision was based on its last observation, dated March 2003. Since then the object was no...
event / free / near Earth
*** Enter the LIVE event here ! *** *** Enter the LIVE event here ! *** Next 30 July 2013 at 00:37 UT, the near-Earh asteroid 2003 DZ15 will reach a minimum distance...
asteroid / event / free / near Earth
The Near-Earth Asteroid 2013 LR6 was observed live and shared online on our website with thousands of people joining from all around the globe. At the time of the image above it was...
asteroid / event / free / near Earth
On July 8, at 04:43 UT, the small, just discovered asteroid 2013 LR6 will reach a minimum distance from the Earth of about 110.000 km. It is a very safe distance, so it will...
The 1998 QE2 online event went very well! Despite the clouds initially limited the visibility of the object, people connected online to the Virtual Telescope could spy this object soon after the closest approach....
While still 24 hours away from its close encounter with the Earth, asteroid 1998 QE2 is giving a nice show in the sky. The Virtual Telescope used its 17″ robitic unit to capure about...
While waiting for its close approach next 31 May, potentially hazardous asteroid 1998 QE2 was imaged by the Virtual Telescope, remotely using its 17″ robotic unit. The mount was asked to track the asterois,...
While potentially hazardous asteroid 1998 QE2 continues on its very save route around the Sun, ready to give its show later this month, we are preparing the observing campaign and our online, live coverage...
On 18 May 2013, the near-Earth asteroid 2013 KT1 was discovered by the Catalina Sky Survey in Arizona. From its orbit resulted that this minor planet was going to reach a minimum distance from...
See asteroid 1998 QE2 live HERE! Next 31 May 2013 at 20:59 UT, potentially hazardous asteroid (PHA) 285263 (1998 QE2) will reach a minimum distance from the Earth of 5.8 millions of km. This is...
– Grand Tour through the Solar System (28 Feb. 2025)