Category: near Earth

Near-Earth Asteroid 2005 WK4 close encounter: online event (9 Aug. 2013)

Near-Earth Asteroid 2005 WK4 close encounter: online event (9 Aug. 2013)

*** Enter the LIVE event here ! ***   *** Enter the LIVE event here ! ***    Next 9 Aug. 2013 at 05:02 UT, the near-Earh asteroid 2005 WK4 will reach a minimum...

Near-Earth asteroid 2003 DZ15 getting closer: 23 July 2013

Near-Earth asteroid 2003 DZ15 getting closer: 23 July 2013

The 160 meters large near-Earth asteroid 2003 DZ15 continues to approach us, waiting to touch the minimum distance of 3.5 millions of km next 30 July. Of course, it is a very safe close...