Antares and Rho Ophiuchi: 14 Aug. 2023.
One of the most fascinating stars in the sky, Antares dominates a wonderful patch of heaven: a rich star field with plenty of clusters, dark and bright nebulae, including the famous Rho Ophiuchi complex....
nebula / star clusters / Stars
One of the most fascinating stars in the sky, Antares dominates a wonderful patch of heaven: a rich star field with plenty of clusters, dark and bright nebulae, including the famous Rho Ophiuchi complex....
The “Eagle” nebula, aka Messier 16, is one of the most iconic cosmic gems and we are pleased to share a picture we recently captured. The image above comes from the average of 29,...
One of the most beautiful spots in the night sky, the region between Cassiopeia and Perseus offers unique cosmic gems. Here it is a memorable view of the Double Cluster with the “Heart” and...
We imaged the wonderful Messier 27 planetary nebula, nicknamed “Dumbbell” for its shape. The image above comes from the average of 32, 120-second exposures, unfiltered, remotely taken with the ARTEC250+Paramount ME+C3Pro61000EC robotic unit available...
The Horsehead in Orion is for sure the most famous dark nebula in the sky. We captured it under very good sky conditions, together with the Flame nebula, see the image below. The image...
We managed to capture a superb image of the celebrated Messier 17 nebula, aka “Omega” and “Swan” because of its shape. Enjoy the view below. The image above comes from the combination of 31,...
asteroid / comets / constellations / galaxy / nebula
Join our online cosmic cruise and discover the night sky with us. Every month, we will explore the night sky, sharing the view of our powerful, robotic telescopes live. What is up in the...
We recently installed a large field of view astrograph, working at a very fast f/2 ratio, under very dark skies. We are happy to present our very first lights. Since the beginning of Virtual...
Everyone familiar with the sky knows Messier 1, the legendary “Crab” nebula: it is the remnant of the most famous galactic supernova, SN 1054. We managed to create a very special sequence, with a...
NGC 6543, also called “Cat’s Eye”, is a beautiful and famous planetary nebula, among the most enigmatic ones currently known. Located in the northern constellation of the Dragon is and will remain a “timeless”planetary...
After our first observations of this new season, we looked at V1647 Ori and McNeil Nebula again, to collect new data. The star looked fainter than our previous observations, suggesting the source is finally fading after...
The McNeil Nebula and the associated V1647 Ori variable star have been a target of opportunity for the author since it was discovered back in 2004. Every year, at Virtual Telescope we spend some...
V1647 Ori and the associated McNeil Nebula continues to amaze us at Virtual Telescope every time we look at them. We have been tracking it since it was discovered in 2004. Every year we...
Messier 27, also known as NGC 6853, is for sure one of the best known deep sky objects in the sky. Discovered by Charles Messier in 1764, it is easily recognizable as a fuzzy object...
– Total Lunar Eclipse (14 Mar. 2025)
– Online Messier Marathon (30 Mar. 2025)