Cookie Policy


This “extended note” has been created for the present site, accordingly with the 8 May 2014 Measure from the “Garante per la Privacy” (Italy) for protection of personal data. It provides the elements required by Art. 13 del D. Lgs. 196/2003 e following  Measured from “Autorità Garante per la protezione dei dati personali”.

Subject of the law

Our site uses in its pages the so called cookies and this note has the goal to show you how this site uses that technologies and which ones.

What are cookies

Cookies are text strings (files of small dimension) that sites sends to the visitor’s terminal  (pc, tablet, smart phone, ecc.), where they are saved to be send back to the same sites, during following visits from the same visitor.

Classes of cookies and their action

Cookies used on this site can be of one of these classes:
1. Technical Cookies: they allow a fast and optimal experience through the website, thanks to services/functions specifically created for this. They can be disabled by the visitor.
2. Third-part Cookies: they are installed on the visitor terminal by third-part sites, via this website. They perform some analysis and are mainly related to Google Analytics. More info are available here: If you wish to disable these cookies, you can install an add-on for your browser, clicking on this link:
3.Google AdSense: this site publishes ads banners provided by the Google AdSense platform. The latter uses cookies to create ads based on past web visits of the visitor. The visitor can disable these third part cookies as described here:

Browser options

Each browser offers specific features for handling cookies, up to disabling them. If that is the case, the present site might not work at its best. You are invited to check how your browser handles cookies and which features it makes available to handle them, accordingly with your preferences.

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