Tagged: moon

The Earth and the Moon imaged by Cassini probe from Saturn, 19 July 2013

Earth-Moon image by Cassini, from Saturn

    The image above was taken on July 19, 2013 and received on Earth July 20, 2013. The camera was pointing toward EARTH at approximately 898,410,414 miles (1,445,851,410 kilometers) away, and the image...

The perigee and apogee Full Moons compared in their angular size

How super is the “super” Moon?

Lot of rumors about the Moon are on the air, while this 23 June 2013 full Moon approached. It was called “super Moon“, because it was going to happen with the natural satellite closer...

The “Blue” Moon: 31 Aug. 2012

The “blue” Moon: 31 Aug. 2012 The Moon is the only known natural satellite of our planet. With its distance of less than 400.000 km from the Earth, it is also the first step...

The "blue" Moon: 31 Aug. 2012

The “Blue” Moon: 31 Aug. 2012

  The Moon is the only known natural satellite of our planet. With its distance of less than 400.000 km from the Earth, it is also the first step when climbing the cosmic ladder...