The Samyang 135mm-f/2 astrograph has been introduced in 2023 and it is a quite peculiar instrument. It is hosted under a very good sky (SQM: better than 21.5).
It offers a very good quality and very fast optics and it is coupled to a full frame, ZWO ASI6200 MC pro CMOS , cooled color camera, sporing a very large field of view: 15.2 deg. x 10.2. deg. These extreme specs are unprecedented for the Virtual Telescope Project and this device will provide very unique images.
The instrument is installed on a Paramount ME robotic mount, above the Celestron C14 optical tube assembly (piggyback).
The period error is of about 1″ peak-to-peak, so this astrograph does not need guiding. The whole system is controlled by the TheSkyX suite, with TPoint and Camera add-ons.
Some applications: the system can take breath-taking pictures of large nebulae, rich star fields, bright comets, eclipses, planetary conjunctions, bright satellites and more.
Weather conditions are available here.
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